hotfactsgirls asked:
Archive for the ‘Education’ Category
On June - 12 - 201024 COMMENTS
Drug Truth; Cocaine & Crack, Hot Facts Model Emily Information about cocaine, not red bull cocaine but the drug cocaine and crack cocaine. How long does cocaine stay in your system? How do people make cocaine? Does cocaine have an oder or smell? How do people smoke cocaine or snort it? What is the recipe for crack cocaine? Who are some famous cocaine users? Where does cocaine come from? What does Billy Mays have to do with cocaine? This is by Emily the Hot Facts Girls or Fun Facts Girl. www …
On June - 7 - 201025 COMMENTS
Heroin, Cocaine, Crack, Meth Addiction Treatment
prokopton asked: Alexander G. Schauss, PhD, FACN, is the Senior Director of Natural and Medicinal Products Research, AIBMR Life Sciences, in Puyallup, Washington. A former Clinical Professor of Natural Products Research and Adjunct Research Professor of Botanical Medicine at the National College of Naturopathic Medicine in Portland, Oregon, he has held academic appointments at other institutions, including: Senior Director of the Southwest College Research Institute in Scottsdale, Arizona …
On March - 17 - 201016 COMMENTS
Kate Moss doet een paar lijnen
alphaq40 asked:
Zie deze jongens en meisjes? Beroemder worden sommige lijnen, en meer geld! … kate van het onderwijs verbazend drugs van de moscocaïne lohan britneyverdovend middel